If your business uses computers and other devices, or communicates internally with staff or externally with clients through email, you no doubt will have experienced an inundation of spam emails and advertisements. The best way to help protect your IT system against these spam emails, is to include an anti spam management service.
At PCFIXIT Gold Coast we know just how frustrating and tedious these spam invasions are. It takes time out of your already busy schedule, trying to delete them and control the amount of spam that comes into your inbox. PCFIXIT are all about making your life easier and we believe our anti spam service can do that.
Our Gold Coast Anti-Spam Service Can:
- Filter 98% of messages
- Identify unsolicited emails
- Identify harmful emails
- Reduce the rate of spam you receive
- Monitor multiple mailboxes
- Give you peace of mind
Spam Can Seriously Harm Your IT System
Irrelevant or unsolicited messages are both time consuming and potentially dangerous. When you do receive spam, it is best not to interact with it at all, as it may contain viruses or be attempting to spread malware throughout your system.
A virus is a piece of computer code that can copy itself, multiplies and enters your IT system, PC or Mac. A virus’ main purpose is to destroy the data on your computer.
Malware is a type of software that is designed for the sole purpose of disrupting, damaging and infiltrating your IT system.
Your IT system could still be at risk, even if you aren’t opening these spam emails. This is why including our manage anti spam in your anti spam process is key if you want to protect yourself from these threats.
Come and see us on the Gold Coast or contact us to organise a time for us to come to you.