03 Oct Beware of Scam Emails and Phone Calls
Beware of Scam Emails and Phone Calls
Everyone loves a refund, especially if a company you deal with reports that you have been overcharged, but in this instance is a phishing scam that’s designed to steal your personal and financial information to take even more of your hard earned cash.
The image below is a screen grab from an email that looks like it’s from Telstra but don’t be temped to click on it or you’ll end up at a website run by cyber criminals who just want your credit card or banking details.
If in doubt call Telstra on the phone to discuss your account.
If in doubt don’t click reply or open the email and when on the phone just hang up
It isn’t worth arguing with them stay calm and save the stress
They aren’t worth it
Check on this website and report them
Here’s an email I got today
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